Thursday, November 25, 2010

Price Change

Starting January 1st, 2011, the prices for the pictures and merchandise will be changed. Its time that I change them, so I can make a profit. Right now, Im not really making a profit. There is so much that I would love to buy to better your pictures...including a new lens, maybe a new camera, and some other stuff that I have looked into, and I cant get those things with the prices that they are now. Any orders made before January 1st will be the same price that is now, but anything after the 1st will be the new price. That is including any session that has been recently taken. So if you would like to order any pictures, please order them before the 1st if you want the same prices.

Also, I am looking forward to the new year and what I want to do with my business. I will be having give-aways of sessions and some great specials coming!!! Stay tuned in with this blog to get the news!!!

*change of prices will be coming up soon in this blog*

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