Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Im not dead

I have been out of town. Im going to try and get some pictures put up of our trip. We went to San Antonio to visit with the in-laws and had a good time. I came back to work this week and its been so busy. I cant believe that school is almost over. We have 7 more weeks of school and the school I work at. Then Im off for 3 months.

I have been so tired from working. We are making the yearbooks and also we are getting ready for Spirit Week in 3 weeks. I havent been photographing alot latley, but thats okay. Hopefully, Im going to be getting some clients. We are going to have 2 seniors next year, so you will be seeing those girls, probably this summer. I hope you all have a wonderful week.

Monday, March 23, 2009

So Spring Break is over

And it was the first day back to work today. I didnt get much sleep, because of course I am used to going to bed around 3-4am. But, I did wake up early. It was an alright day. I substituted in a classroom, because one of the teachers was coming in from out of town. Had some conflicts with the boss, but we wont go there, lol. I cant believe that school is almost over. This is the time that I have a problem with each year, because I am going to be jobless for 3 months. So what to do? This is something that I need to pray about and let God lead me. Hopefully, my husband will have a job by then. I cant believe that he hasnt gotten any return calls. He is good at alot of stuff. But I guess, there is that one other person that may be more qualified. I know God will provide. This is a time, where we need to fully put our trust and faith in God. I hope all my friends out there are doing good and keeping the faith.
Here some pics of my hubby from sessions awhile back.....Just wanted to add some more, these arnt edited.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


If any of you ladies reading this, hasn't gone to Cafemom.com, I would recommend you going. Its an amazing website, a website, that helped me during my miscarriage. I don't know any women personally that has gone through a miscarriage, or at least one i could talk too. But this website has alot of women who are going through the exact same thing as I am. I have met sooo many wonderful women who are now one of my close friends. Friends that I can talk to about ANYTHING, because they get it. Its a very good support system. But if you haven't gone thru anything like I have, thats okay....they have all kinda of groups you can join. I personally have joined alot of photography groups, which they share all their secrets..shhhhh..... haha. There are so many groups, whatever your interests are in or something you may be going through, you can join, you can add friends, you can do almost anything. Its like a myspace for moms.

Heres a siggy from that website....the moms make them


I went and saw "Knowing" the movie today. I have to say, it was a very good movie. Its one of those movies, where you just sit there and think about the whole movie. It wasn't scary or anything, but yet it was suspenseful. I couldn't wait to see it....when I first saw the previews, I wanted to see it. So me and hubby went to mall to go see it today. Another thing....I noticed that the malls movie prices went up to $8.50. What?! Their movie theatre stinks!!! Me and Mark don't go to it, unless there is a movie that we really want to see. If its something that we kinda want to see then we wait to go to the dollar theatre. I just think that's alot of money for something that isn't kept up that good.
But anyways....I would recommend people seeing it.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Mini Road Trip

Mark, my grandpa and I went on a mini road trip today. My grandpa doesn't care about traveling (he will be 80 this year) but then he doesn't like staying inside the house all day. I can understand, but hes an elder and gets tired quickly, so we don't take him much places. But anyways....since Mark still don't have a job and I'm off, we decided to go on a mini road trip. We were going to leave this up to my grandpa to choose where to go. The 2 choices was either Lawton or Vernon. Well Vernon is where my grandpa was born and traveled, lived, and worked at, so that's what he chose. So we planned to go to Vernon. Well....Mark used to travel everyday at his old job, so he knew Vernon and some of the places to eat. We went to a restaurant called the Brown Cow. It was yummy. One of the workers that Mark used to work with, was working there. His parents owned it, but Mark hadn't seen him in a few years, but I guess he moved to Vernon to work with his families business. So it was good for Mark to see one of his old friends. We drove around and let my grandpa reminisce the olden days. He said, "It sure has changed". I had to take my camera and found an old gas station which I had to make Mark get out and model for me.....though he told me on our last session that he would NEVER do it again, hehe.
I edited some pics, some I didn't.....

There were camels along the way
Good ole' Texas
Welcome to Vernon!!!
HAHA, this was in front of the Brown Cow restaurant

Dont Forget!!!!

About the Easter Special!!! It ends on March 27th. You will get 20 Free wallets with any purchase of a package!!! The weather has been perfect ( a lil hot for me, lol ) this week, so I would suggest hurry and getting your pictures done. Also, since its Spring Break and Im off, I am more likely to get all the editing done in a few days, so you can view them sooner!!!
You can bring any Easter items or props if you like to any location. You can have as many clothes changes as you like.
I saw on the weather channel, that its supposed to be raining from Saturday-Tuesday. Now this is Texas, so if I see it, then I believe it, lol. But for future references I go by the news.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Meet Rebecca

Rebecca and I go way back, way back to Elementary. We were best friends throughout Elementary thru High School. We had some conflicts go on during hard times in our lives, well I know during my life and didnt talk for along time. Well, we grew up and I guess were starting to catch up a bit as adults.
She wanted to get some recent headshots done of her and I think we got alot more than that done. Headshots went to full body shots. I had fun and had fun talking and catching up. She wants me to take some of her and her son, so you may be seeing more of her soon!
Oh and I have to say, she was a daredevil during all of this....she was making me nervous. We went to a bridge and she climbed out off of it on the ledge and also she climbed some old shelf type of thing. I just knew I was going to have to call someone, lol.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

8th Anniversary for me and hubby

So our "dating" anniversary was March 15th. Today marks 8 years for us. Mark says we shouldnt go by it anymore, but shoot.....I think today is a special day (and we get 2 anniversaries back to back). Were not going to be doing anything special, because we forgot. lol. Today in church was singing for all of the anniversaries and birthdays, so we got to go up there while they sang to us. It was nice. Im not sure if I ever written on this blog, how Mark and I met. I was 15 and he was 16 and we met on the internet, lol. He lived in San Antonio and I lived here. It was Spring Break and we were up all night on the internet and I posted a blog in AOL at the time saying my age, sex, and location (15/f/tx) lol.....wow....I dont know if they still do that anymore. But anways....we started talking and the guy drove me banana's, but he kept IMing me (instant messaging) almost everyday. We grew on each other. I started to like him more and more. Then I asked my mom persmission about giving him my phone number (FYI: my mom had STRICT rules on this, she was an overprotected parent, which i am thankful for, and she made sure he was a boy, lol, and was okay). So we did and started talking.....then in November my mom died. I told Mark and I was devastated, though I knew she was going to die and he wrote a letter to his dad, telling him, that he needed to be up here for me and he explained why and everything. Him and his dad and mom talked and they came up here a few days after the funeral.
Now it was awkward....lol....I wasn't sure if i liked this guy, but the thing was, is that I knew i liked him because we talked and we knew everything about each other, so its kinda like I fell in love with a guy that i never met.

But anyways, from then on, we made sure we seen each other every 3 months. It was hard for 2 years to have a long distant relationship at that age, but 2 weeks after he graduated he came and lived with me and my grandpa. From there he lived in my moms room for 4 years and then we got married, a week before our 6 year anniversary.

Alot of people don't believe me when I tell them, that me and my husband stayed celibate before we got married. It was something important for me and for him, and especially our relationship in Gods eyes. My mom never got married and wasn't with anyone till she died. She raised me up the right way, and I always listen to my moms words to this day. I know, not every kid out there is perfect and can do it, but I teach the kids and my friends the right way....that its not impossible!!!!
Now, I also wouldn't recommend meeting your lover online, lol. I guess that was Gods choice in matter how we met that way. * I wonder what I'm going to tell my kids, lol*
But that's a short version of our life as teenagers :)
I want to share some pics of my wedding.....DeEdra Folmar with Photo [e] motion did my pictures and she does an amazing job!

Spring Break

Its Spring Break for me!!!! Yea!!! I'm HOPING, that I can schedule some pictures this next week. I have a few that want too, but doesn't know for sure if they can or not. It would be perfect timing for me.
I'm still looking at all of these amazing photographers from all over the U.S. I wish I was so talented, but by Gods grace, if he wants me to be like that, then I shall :)
There's so much still to learn, just to get basics down. I know this. I'm not coming out here, acting like I'm a pro and charging people some ridiculous price. I had someone tell me, I shouldn't put that I'm not a pro. Well, I know I'm not a professional and I want people to know that. I don't act like a pro, charge like a pro, or tell anyone I'm a pro. I want people to be able to get decent pictures for a good price. I know right now that I cant do what the professionals do, and that's why my friends and family is really the only people that I have been taking pictures of.
But darn it....its spring break and I'm going to enjoy it.....and I hope you do too!!!!!
Here's some pics of my dogs....Molly....Fibber....and then Roskoe

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Anniversary 2nd year: COTTON

So, Im a little late blogging pics of my anniversary......

I feel like an old married couple, lol. We went to Johnny Corinos for dinner and the came home and opened up our gifts. We got each other cards expressing our love, and I got him some undershirts, lol, thats what he needed, and he got me a Victoria Secret gift card for some undies. I asked him why he didnt pick them out, lol, he said, You better be glad you got a card, lol. He dont feel comfortable going in that store with me, more less by himself. I am trying to stick to this "traditional" gift thing. Next year, I believe its Leather. hmm...what to get?

Some new locations I have seen around

So one of these locations, I have drove by a million times, to and from work. Well darn-it, I wanted some pics taken with it. My husband thinks we are always going to get in trouble, lol, so every picture I took of him, it seemed like he was up tight about something, lol. But he likes to bide by the rules, lol, and Im more of a....well if the police come, all their going to do is tell us to leave, type of a person. I follow the rules, but man......if it looks good, I cant resist.

Gotta Love Jesus!!!

Heres a few from this weekend....I will TRY, thats the key word here, TRY, and put some up more later.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Moving the clocks forward this Sunday

So you know what that means? More light!!!! Yes, we do lose an hour, but I get to have more light to take pictures, and also do errands, lol. I cant believe it was already here. Someone told me this past week and I didnt believe them, but its true.

I want to try and go take Mark to some new locations today and check them out. I havent really stopped and looked at them, but I drove past them, and of course Mark is my model. Hes Free!!!! lol, plus I always like having pics of my honey around.

Dont forget the Easter Special....20 Free wallets with any purchase of a package. I know the weather is getting nice and warm, and I noticed the city putting out all the yellow and purple flowers everywhere. It looks so nice!!!

Well I have a busy day ahead of me and dont foreget to check back with some pictures.

Oh and Im going to be putting some pics up from our anniversary!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Easter Special!!!!!

So Ive been thinking and thinking and thinking about my Easter Special and I think Ive come up with it!!! If you want me to take your Easter pictures, I will give you 20 FREE WALLETS of any picture of your choice, with any purchase of a package. I know this is the time when everyone gets dolled up for Easter and puts on their Spring dresses and nice suits, so I know you want to pass those pictures out so everyone can see.
Pretty soon everything will be blooming and looking so pretty. My trees in front of my house are already turning white and I made sure to take some pictures of those. I was asking my grandpa....How does all the tress bloom at once? How do they know? Well I guess thats just something miraculous about God and his creations!!! Isnt it weird tho, if you think about it, how all the plants know the season and weather? When to bloom, when to turn colors, when to fall off? I think its awesome!!! Oh and did anyone look outside last night at the moon and the bright star? I walked outside, looked at my dogs and then the sky caught my eye. Thats how bright it was. I am FASCINATED over the sky and universe....Ive thought about going and taking a class study at MSU, just one class, for no reason, lol.
But if your interested in the special or any other type of pictures, just contact me!!!