Friday, September 18, 2009

Been absent

I havent been on here, in like over a month. I have checked everyones updates, but really havent had much to say.

My job at Bible Baptist School has grown this year. Its not as stressful, we have 2 new teachers and alot of kids. God is really blessing the school and all of us.

This week is the Texas/Oklahoma fair and we are out there. We have a booth set up, so if you go out there, be sure to stop by. They are selling popsicles and also raffling off some great stuff, including a TV, a mini fridge, a $50.00 hair due with Looking Good 2, a quilt, and a big bear. Its a $1.00 a raffle, but its to help out the school.

I took some pics of me the other day, I was bored. I needed some updated ones. I really need to pull out my camera and take some pictures. I know I keep saying that, but I do. Theres alot coming up, so be sure to look out for that!!!

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