Sunday, November 8, 2009

Bebo Norman, Natalie Grant, & Jeremy Camp concert

So these arnt in any order, but Mark and I went to Jeremy Camp concert this past Sunday (Nov. 01, 2009) in Abilene. It was so much fun...but it was a fast trip. We had my grandpas birthday party on Saturday and then left to go there Sunday and then to come back Monday morning so I could go to work. Mark loves to listen to Jeremy Camp's music and has been really wanting to see him in concert. So he planned it like a month or two ago and we were so excited to go. Bebo Norman and Natalie Grant opened up for him, and they both were awesome. I loved Natalie Grants turn on the stage. She had me bawling, lol. The things she said and the music she sang spoke to me. She said...Greater things are yet to come, Greater things are yet to be done....and thats a song, which she explained she didnt write but the story in itself is touching. Here are some pics of the concert.

I loved this pic of this guy lifting his hands praising God during one of Jeremy Camps song!!

This is Bebo Norman....They said you can have cameras, but not to use the flash....well.....I didnt get alot because of that at the beginning, then I was like, going to use my flash, lol

Bebo, came out right before Jeremy Camp came out, and was talking...hes so funny...he said back in the day, Jeremy used to open up for HIM, lol

Natalie Grant!!!

These are her twins...they were so cute. She said before the concert, one of them asked her WHY cant we go out there on stage with her?? she said, you are, your just on the side....and then they little girl goes, NO, i want to be ON stage with she let them come out...their names are Bella and Grace.

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