Monday, January 12, 2009

So its Monday...

Today my in-laws are leaving...oh wait....I forgot to tell you, my Father-in-law showed up and surprised hubby. He was surprised...changed some plans, but it was good. Bad news is....Hubby has been sick all weekend, even on his birthday. He has been throwing up and even today he didnt eat much, some toast, and now is laying down. I felt so sorry for him, to be sick on his birthday. I even was sick this morning. I had a Doctors appointment and had to cancel because of me being sick. So I guess there is a bug going around, but I wish he felt better. Hes been like this since Thursday. is Monday.... time to start our first day of the work week. I am going to a photography class this weekend, just for basic learning. Im hoping to learning something. If I learn one thing, it would be worth it. Im having more and more people interested in the 24th special. So if you are interested you need to call me so I can make you a reservation.

I hope you all have a good and safe week....dont catch any bugs, make sure you wash your hands!!!

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