Saturday, April 11, 2009

Bathroom and Kitchen

I re-did my bathroom floor last weekend. I like to change things up in my house every once in awhile. I also took some pics of my stove top along time ago, I thought I would add that in there, lol.
My bathroom is small. But when I re-did the floor it seems to much bigger now. I went to Wal-greens and bought some candle holders, they were on sale at a very good price. Less than $5.00. That was a good deal and I had to get them. Thought they made the bathroom look more nicer!!! OH....and you are going to have to forgive me about the dust, lol. I dont like dusting. There are certain areas where I cant see them......then I take a picture and then its all over, lol. I was so surprised when I saw the pictures.

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