Friday, May 8, 2009

My dream

My dream for my business is to have a mini studio. I have been looking at so many pictures of babies and little kiddies that I want to learn to do. I know God put this photography in front of me for a reason, and Im still learning new things. Hopefully this summer, I will be learning more and taking more pictures. I havent felt like God has told me to get a summer job, but to pursue in photography. I need to build my equipment more and have been saving for a new lens, so I cant wait till I can get that :)

Im sorry I havent written in along time. Like the before post, I have been super busy at my other job, but there is 4 more days left!!! whoo hoo!!! BUT, I am now sick with a cold and I wonder what the next 4 days at work is going to be like, since Im going to be super busy getting and finshing up the school year.

I hope to put up pictures up from the last day of school soon. We initiate the 8th graders and then we are having a graduation of Kindergarten and 6th grade, plus the awards banquet. So be looking for that.

Heres a page that I made for the yearbook with the pictures I took for the Valentines Day party at the school.

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