When I look back at what I did this summer, I think of Twilight, because I read all the books and me thinking Im going to die. lol. Thats about it. I cant believe its almost August and school is going to be starting soon. I told myself that this summer is going to be the time I start taking alot of pictures. BUT....I havent. I dont know whats wrong with me. I feel like Im in a rut or something.
I know this isnt the site to be whining or complaining on, but the desire for a baby is in my heart more than ever. Each month that passes, I wonder when its going to be my turn?! Everyone, and I mean everyone around me is, has, was, are....lol.....with a baby. I want that too. I rememeber my mom telling me when I was little, that she had me, when she was 26 and I rememeber thinking, wow...my mom was old, lol. Well Im going to be 24 here in a few months....and....it takes 9 months for a baby. I want more than one if God is willing, and I just always told myself, I dont want to have any kids past 30. But then again....what I always want, sometimes isnt what God wants. I trust in him....I really do...I just feel like IM READY!!! Im ready for all the sleepless night, dirty diapers, burpings, being broke, being tired, looking like a mess. Im ready for all of that....just to hold and kiss a baby that God has made for me and my husband....that is a part of my husband. I wonder what our child will look like.
When I miscarried Mark Jr. and I got to hold him....he looked just like Mark. They had the same nose, and same ankles. Yes.....ANKLES!!! lol. I have little boney ankles and Mark has big ankles....and so did Mark Jr. Thats why we named him that, because he was so much like his daddy already.
I feel like I whine all the time, but I am jealous of all the women with babies. I get angry when I see a kid having a baby and not wanting one, cause it ruined her life. If only, I could of been the one getting pregnant. That baby wouldnt of ruined my life. But I guess when I do have one finally, Im going to appreciate my baby more and love them that much more.
Marks insurance starts in September. I am really hoping and praying that this is what God has been us waiting on. It makes sense!!! We need insurance.....and I feel ready....and I have that desire, that I know comes from the Lord.
Please pray for me and Mark....that we will have a healthy baby, pregnancy, and mommy :)
You are in my prayers! Trust me, I'll be 26 when Judah is born, and I always said I wanted to have all my kids before 30...God has other plans. I wanted my first to be born before I was 25, and that didnt happen. I know you have been waiting a long time, but it will happen when God plans it to happen. Love you :)