Saturday, October 24, 2009

Birthday Cake

So this year for my birthday, I wanted to make one of those fondant cakes that you see on TV. I looked some stuff up and asked a friend who does cakes how to do it, and what I needed to do. It didnt seem to bad. Well....It wasnt as hard as I thought it would be. I didnt have alot of items and didnt have the money to go buy it, so I "ghetto" did it, lol. But for my first cake, and trying to hurry and make it, I dont think it turned out so bad. I think the circles should of been smaller and of course its not perfect and smooth. The sad part is it...I didnt eat it, lol. I dont like cake all that much. I had a bite of it, but I really dont like how fondant tastes. Its not good at all, or maybe what I bought wasnt good, lol. But i thought it looked pretty.

You can tell its crooked and slanted and not smooth. I dont think I have the patience for this kind of a thing, lol

You can see the candles at the bottom. Well i bought these candles but I didnt want to punch holes all in the cake, so I got some extra fondant and put em on it.

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