Saturday, September 18, 2010

Fall is near

I already started decorating my house with my fall stuff. I think deep down, I was hoping if I started decorating, that the cooler weather would come faster. lol....I dont think it worked. Fall seems to come so fast and then we have to take it down to turn around and put up the Christmas stuff. I started early this year. I usually wait till actual Fall day or the first of October. I think each year though, I keep getting earlier and earlier. But its okay!! Its this next week and Im so excited. I decorate my house and I decorate at work. At work its so much fun, cause every staff member has their own unique way of decorating.

I love this picture of my grandpas Bible. He had it next to his chair in the living room. I guess he got done reading it and just laid it there. Hes a very good Christian man.

I got this little boy and girl scare crow at the end of fall last year on sale, so this is my first time having them up....they were just so darn cute, espeically the little girls pigtails.

I edit most of the pics with the whole "glow of thanksgiving".

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