Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Its been awhile

Yes, It is has been awhile since I have written. I thought that once summer was out, I would go right back to photography, but I have had some issues since then, lol. Last Friday night we had a storm come wasnt as bad as some has been recently, but it was strong enough winds that knocked down my tree, into my neighbors yard, knocking down their whole power lines. It was horrible. Our neighbors was without electricty for like 4 days. I just knew it was going to cost ALOT of money, but the good Lord showed us once again how many blessings he can do for us, if we have faith. So its back on and everything and so we have the fence and tree to deal with. Im hoping to bring up those graduation and initiation pictures up soon and put them up on my photo reflect account for the parents at the school.

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