Saturday, December 27, 2008

Im tring to get everything ready

Ive decided that trying to get a "business" together is like planning a wedding. Alot of girls think that planning a wedding is easy and things can get done really fast, and then they step into it, and theres the little things on top of the little things. That's what I'm coming across. I knew it wasn't going to be easy, but there is so much to get ready for the first person and then the people after that. I am so excited to be doing this and following what God has in store for me, and I know by his Grace and his Love, if this is His will, things will go just fine. I want to start taking pictures for practice and I am going to do them at a good price. I talked to a photographer who is willing to help me and I am so grateful for her. She is like my blessing. I need hands on experience and she is willing to give me her time to show me. See the blessings God gives us when we do His will??? I'm going to be posting some prices here soon, so please be patient with me. I want to do things the right way, and I want your pictures to be awesome and that you love them. I do appreciate everyone who is interested and who has called or written me. So stay tuned in, for those prices!!!

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