Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Rain, Rain..... oh and Swine Flu

Its such a blessing that we are getting rain. All day it has rained and I absolutely love it!!! For some reason, when I am at my job and its raining, its so relaxing. Even though all the kids are inside and being loud, they love watching the rain. I know we were under a flash flood warning and alot of people said, "It wont flood", "Its to dry". Now as I write this, there is a BIG thunderstorm with hail. It was much better with just rain. But its a blessing from God that we are getting rain.

The Swine Flu for some reason is freaking me out. Nothing has ever worried me, but now its in our town and they are closing a school from it. Well as you know I work at a school, though its not very big, this disease is just horrible. I am a big germa phobe and so I am constantly washing my hands and using hand sanitizer, and I would recommend or demand all people to do it. lol

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Super Busy

I have been super busy at my job at Bible Baptist School. We only have 3 more weeks of school left and EVERYTHING seems to be needing to get done. Well we are short a teacher right now, so I have to fill in sometimes and do my job. I have been stressing out so much latley. Sometimes I dont think some of the things are going to get done. We have an awards banquet to do, graduation, and the yearbook needs to be done this next week. But I guess it will get done, it always does.
But today I came home with a stomach ache. Its been bothering me for 3 days now, and then I couldnt sleep last night. So I went to work for an hour today and came home. I feel so much better now, but not 100%.
I havent taken pictures in awhile, kinda why I havent posted anything. I have been so busy, but hopefully once school is out, I will get busy.
Heres two pics of me that I did. I put it on my myspace and facebook page.
I hope everyone is getting ready for the warmer weather. Im not looking forward to it. lol....

Monday, April 20, 2009

Be Supernatural God's Way

And the Lord said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me?... Lift thou up thy rod, and stretch out thine hand over the sea, and divide it: and the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea.
– Exodus 14:15-16
If you hang around God very much, it won't be long before you'll start wanting to do things the world considers supernatural. You'll start wanting to lay hands on the sick and have them recover. You'll start wanting to cast out demons. You'll start wanting to cast mountainous problems into the sea.
What's more, you can do it if you want to!
How? Not by jumping out and "trying" to do supernatural things, but by obeying God one step at a time. By doing the things He's already given you power to do.
That's how it happened with Moses. He didn't have the power to divide the Red Sea. But he did have the power to stretch his rod out over it. And when he did that in obedience to the Lord's command, the Holy Spirit did the rest.
It will be the same way with you. When you start doing your part, the Holy Spirit will do His and supernatural things will start happening around you.
What is your part? Feeding on the Word. Praying in the Spirit. Listening to what the Spirit of God says to you. As you do those things, as you move as God impresses you to move and take your direction from Him, you'll flow in the supernatural as naturally as a bird flies in the air.
You won't struggle and strain and try to "part the sea." You'll just trust the Lord, stretch out your rod... and watch the miracles roll.
Scripture Reading: Exodus 14

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Some more pics of Rebecca

I have been wanting to post some more of this shoot for awhile now and never got to it.

Monday, April 13, 2009

God knows what to do

My friend sent me this in the mail today.....I had the need to share it with everyone.
How Do I Get God To Do What I Want?
Sorry, you have it backward. God is trying to get you to dowhat He wants, because His way is perfect, and yours isobviously not.
PSALM 18:30 NKJ30 As for God, His way is perfect; The word of the LORD is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him.
You don't need to get God to do anything. God knows what to do.You are the one who does not know what to do.
Imagine a two year old child telling his parents what theyshould be doing. It is even more crazy to think we know morethan God about what is best for us, and that we need to tell Him what to do.
This attitude indicates immaturity.
If we were so good at figuring out things, we should be runningthe universe instead of God. But look at what our decisionshave produced -- a mess. What we need is new management, notjust to get God to do something for us.
Even if we were to get God to do what we think He should do forus, would it really fix our life?
For example, many people think getting a lot of money wouldsolve every problem, but the facts show differently. Just lookat the record of people who won the lottery. Some people thinkgetting a spouse would fix everything, but don't think abouthow half the people who do get married then seek a divorce.
What you need is to let Jesus be Lord of your life. You need tolearn of Him and follow His directions. You need to learn Hisways. Your ways have gotten you in a mess. You need to changeyour ways so you can have a change in your life.
God has already done what He needs to do. Now we must learn howto receive His provision and walk in victory.
If you are on the road to destruction, why should God give youa new car and gas money to go down that road? Your decisionshave produced wrecks in your life. What you need is a newdriver. Let Jesus take the wheel.
You don't need to argue with Jesus or tell Him what to do. Youjust need to trust Him.
God knows more than you do, and loves you more than you loveyourself. He desires the best for you. You can trust someonelike that!
SAY THIS: Lord Jesus I trust You. Please take over managementof my life

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Bathroom and Kitchen

I re-did my bathroom floor last weekend. I like to change things up in my house every once in awhile. I also took some pics of my stove top along time ago, I thought I would add that in there, lol.
My bathroom is small. But when I re-did the floor it seems to much bigger now. I went to Wal-greens and bought some candle holders, they were on sale at a very good price. Less than $5.00. That was a good deal and I had to get them. Thought they made the bathroom look more nicer!!! OH....and you are going to have to forgive me about the dust, lol. I dont like dusting. There are certain areas where I cant see them......then I take a picture and then its all over, lol. I was so surprised when I saw the pictures.

I was bored yesterday...

and decided to take some pics of myself. It had been awhile. I do the same ol', same ol'. I take them myself, lol. So here ya go....

Friday, April 10, 2009

My friend Jessica's wedding

My friend Jessica got married on April 4th. Carla Blanchard photographed her wedding and if you go look at her blog you can see what she did. I think she did a great job. I consider Carla one of my friends and shes very helpful and dosent mind showing me and teaching me anything about photography. Thanks Carla!

But Jessica is one of my close friends. I dont see much of her, because she went to Dallas area to go to College and now is moving to Lubbock to be with her new hubby!!! I took some pics of her wedding, and wanted to share them.

I was in the audience, so some of the pictures have peoples heads in them, lol. But maybe that looks more artistic that way?! eh? :)

Oh and FYI....these pictures arnt in order.

The bride and groom.

This is Andrea the Matron of Honor. Andrea and Jessica are twins. They both were in my wedding. I work with their mother and she was also my teacher. You can tell on her face, how happy she is for her sister.
I was sitting on the end, next to the aisle, so I could get some pics. Decided to hold it low down the aisle. I love this pic!!!! You can see them looking at each other.

They had bubbles and this picture is one of their engagment pictures that Carla took.

Of course, her wedding cake!!!

Heres some decorations at the reception. I like her 2 colors she picked. Soft yellow and watermelon.

Heres them leaving for their honeymoon. I like this picture of Jessica, she just seems so happy.
The guys wait'n on the girls.
The ladies.

These cute guys, kinda got lost in the middle, so the stopped and was turning around. I got a good shot. I was going to edit and take out part of the pew, but I love the look on everyones faces.

They changed into thier "get-a-way" clothes :)

Congratulations Jessica and Chris!!

I have alot to catch up on

So latley, Ive had alot to think about. So I decided to "fast" away from websites. I also fasted, well I am fasting now. I am going to be fasting for 2 days. I decided to do it Thursday and Friday and I love it. I feel so good!!! I have thought about this summer for fasting for 30 days. There is a juice fasting, and I love juice, lol, so I thought about doing that.
Who knows....I may not, but I am looking forward to it.
So I have gone to a wedding and took some pictures of some other random stuff. So I will be posting that. Right now I would like to share something that my friend Rachael sent me.

A Strong Woman (or Man)
A strong woman works out every day to keep her body in shape.
But a woman of strength kneels in prayer to keep her soul in shape.

A strong woman isn't afraid of anything.
But a woman of strength shows courage in the midst of her fear.

A strong woman won't let anyone get the best of her.
But a woman of strength gives the best of her to everyone.

A strong woman walks sure footedly.
But a woman of strength knows God will catch her when she falls.

A strong woman wears the look of confidence on her face.
But a woman of strength wears grace.

A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey.
But a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong.