Friday, March 6, 2009

Moving the clocks forward this Sunday

So you know what that means? More light!!!! Yes, we do lose an hour, but I get to have more light to take pictures, and also do errands, lol. I cant believe it was already here. Someone told me this past week and I didnt believe them, but its true.

I want to try and go take Mark to some new locations today and check them out. I havent really stopped and looked at them, but I drove past them, and of course Mark is my model. Hes Free!!!! lol, plus I always like having pics of my honey around.

Dont forget the Easter Special....20 Free wallets with any purchase of a package. I know the weather is getting nice and warm, and I noticed the city putting out all the yellow and purple flowers everywhere. It looks so nice!!!

Well I have a busy day ahead of me and dont foreget to check back with some pictures.

Oh and Im going to be putting some pics up from our anniversary!

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