Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Valentines Day

I know, I know....I always blog AFTER everything, like days later, lol. But me and my hubby had a good Valentines Day. It was such a romantic day. It was cold and cloudy. To me its so romantic. We went to Johnny Carinos and they had the fireplace going. But I wanted to share a little something we got each other. He got me a CD. Yep....I know it dont seem romantic, but hey...its what I wanted. He got me the Adele CD and I believe she just won New Artist of the year. I fell in love with her music last summer, but just never went and got the cd. I made Mark a book of our pictures. We had taken some pictures together a few months ago, and so I put them in a book and got it made. He liked much he can do with it though, lol. But all my friends loved it, lol. I guess its more a girl thing, but he liked the fact that I spent the time in it and was being creative.

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