Friday, February 27, 2009

My anniversary is coming up

We got married on March 3rd, 2007. I dont know if it seems like a long time, or the time has flown by. To me it kinda feels like it should be more years, lol. I guess we just have gone through alot in 2 years. On March 15th, we will celebrate our 8th year together.
I have to say, I have been truly blessed with a wonderful husband. He has been by my side through all the bad times and good times. We have gone through alot in these 8 years. With my mom dieing, me getting cancer, his g-ma dieing, my grandpa sick around our wedding and he stayed in the hospital for months, and then losing our 2 babies. We have changed so many times from 15 and 16 years of age, and grown up and had some challenges, but we held hands through it all and I think we can go through anything now. We have been so blessed and we feel God working in our lives and making us a stronger couple.

My husband has been touched by God. He has this strong faith and willingness to learn his word. My husband didnt know God when I met him. He went to church, but didnt really listen and "know" God. He tells me that God brought me to him. He wishes his family would grow stronger in the Lord and depend on Him more. He has been working and trying to talk to them, and I couldnt be any more happier with him. I think God knew exactly what I needed and wanted out of a man, out of a husband, and he gave me him. Thank you Jesus!!! :)

Heres a picture I took at with him playing basketball one night. I thought it was cool.

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