Wednesday, June 10, 2009

2009 Graduation

So after Initiation we had Graduation. We had 4 graduates....3 Kindergarten and 1 6th grade.

Let me explain, lol......We rehearsed and rehearsed for this day and when to walk, and where to go. But when the day came to it, I dont think all but one did what they were supposed to do, lol. The graduates are small, and they were nervous and embarrassed, so I feel like I never got a good shot. Also, my job was to make sure they went to the right place, lol. So I was busy busy that day.

Marching of the flags and Bible


These ladies are family of one of the students and they sang a song, and it was awesome!!

John Paul graduated Kindergarten and his poor hat kept falling off

Isaac graduated Kindergarten and he was walking fast
Anna graduating Kindergarten and she was shy, so she kept looking down
Nick graduated 6th grade, yes......6th....hes taller than me
They got their diplomas......Congrats Graduates!!!!
We didnt have any Seniors this year......but we will have 2 or more this next year!!!

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