Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Fathers Day

I want to tell my husband Happy Fathers Day. I know that we have angel babies in heaven, here on earth, but we are still a mother and a father. When we die and go to heaven.....I will have 2 baby boys waiting on me :) Makes Heaven that much more special!!!

My husband is going to be an excellent dad one day. Hes always concerned for my safety and my well being...I just know when we have a child or children, he is going to be really protective of them.

I also want to say Happy Fathers Day to my grandpa. Hes the best dad any man has been to me. Though he has always been my grandpa, Im just so blessed to have him as a male role model in my life, since my dad was never in mine. Its strange when I was little, and I would go to my friends house and their dad was there....I never felt different, or say...Wow...I dont have a dad. Maybe its because my grandpa was always there, or maybe its because my mom did take the 2 roles in my life. Maybe its both!!! But hes the closest thing to me as a dad, and I call him my parent :)

I love you both very much....and this day is for you two!!!

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